Congratulations Nikki and Tom | Jules Ko Photography | Boston Public Library

The nice thing about late afternoon/early evening weddings are that the bride and groom has plenty of time to get ready, and hair stylists don’t have to be recruited at 6 in the morning, and flowers delivered at the crack of dawn.  Another good thing (or so we thought), was that on the day of Nikki and Tom’s wedding, the morning was just beeeaaautiful.  Blue skies, fluffy clouds, mild weather for a July wedding.  But just hours before the photography coverage was scheduled, it started to pour.  More rain then I’ve EVER seen fall, and I’ve been through monsoons, and Seattle.  😉  We parked our car, and strapped on our gear and had the full size umbrellas on us, but by the time we crossed one street to reach the hotel, we had waded through inches of water, and were soaked knee down.

But more importantly,  Nikki and Tom had a beautiful, simply elegant courtyard wedding at the Boston Public Library.  Courtyard ceremony, sound equipment, and rain don’t mix well.  But thankfully, few hours later, the rain turned out to be a flash flood, and the wedding was able to proceed as planned.

As mentioned in their engagement session, Nikki & Tom planned a long distance wedding.  During the engagement session, I had begun to get a glimpse of Tom’s occupation to be in collegiate education.  And then as small talk continued at the wedding with the groomsmen, all of a sudden, I was surrounded by professors.  For some strange reason, this felt a little intimidating, as if I was a student again.

The day started as Nikki and Tom got ready in separate floors of the Westin Hotel, just a street away from the Boston Public Library.

They were in constant communication about the weather updates. While the ladies were getting ready, the gentlemen were watching the World Cup. It was that rainy. Groom and brother. The first glance took place on their own in the privacy of the room. Tom entered the ceremony, hand in hand with his brother and sister Tom’s sister officiated the wedding beautifully and warmly And Nikki’s brother performed live as Nikki beamed on. The flowers and event was beautifully coordinated by Erica Jones of Events by Sharon’s Daughter and Orchids N Blooms. The siblings entered the reception with much fun and the father-daughter dance was followed by a groom-family dance.  This family pulled this off like no other could! Following the horah was the chair dance. And then brother of the groom, Mark rapped as Nikki’s friends sang chorus lineas the party cheered on

Congratulations Nikki & Tom, may you have a joyful marriage!


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