Misty & Alex | A new family
Misty and Alex invited me to photograph their beautiful, personal, intimate wedding few years ago in Cambridge, MA. They were always incredibly supportive, respectful and warm to me, and I was honored to be the only non-family member at their wedding other than their pastor. Recently, I heard from a referral client that they were adopting. I couldn’t wait to find out more!
Any adoption probably has it’s very own special story, but this one was especially powerful to me. This beautiful couple made the commitment to adopt before they ever tried to have their own biological children. They had to raise their own funds through LifeSongForOrphans, and make lots of lifestyle changes in order to adopt a young boy from Bulgaria.
This story got me so excited, I practically begged to let me photograph their new family! They have some challenges ahead, but what an empowering story… and what a testimony! Thank you Misty and Alex for allowing me to share this story through photographs!